
Orientation to Genogram-Maker Millennium Part 1 + -

This video provides a general orientation to Genogram-Maker Millennium addressing the workspace and commands.

Orientation to Genogram-Maker Millennium Part 2 + -

This video uses the workspace and commands introduced in Part 1 to create a simple genogram similar to the one seen in the “One Minute Genogram”.

Pregnancy, Stillbirth, Miscarriage & Abortion + -

This video addresses the creation of four pregnancy-related conditions. The video begins with a demonstration of how to use the Help topics menu as an interactive user’s manual. The guidance obtained in the Help topics are then used to create a genogram depiction of the four pregnancy-related conditions. Effective use of the pen menu is employed to change figure size and color.

Abuse, Physical, Sexual & Other Relationship Characteristics + -

This video addresses the creation of relationship characteristics including both physical and sexual abuse and other similar relationship characteristics. The video begins with a demonstration of the use of the help topics as an interactive user’s manual providing the guidance needed to create these characteristics.

Previous Relationship, Divorce, Step Children & Adoption + -

This video demonstrates the creation of several partnership relationship types including marriage, divorce, separation as well as parental relationship types including step-children and adoption. The video begins with a demonstration of the use of the Help topics as an interactive user’s manual providing the guidance needed to create these relationships.

Parallel Relationship + -

This video demonstrates the creation of several partnership relationships including marriage, divorce, living together, affair, etc. The video begins with a demonstration of the use of the Help topics as an interactive user’s manual providing the guidance needed to create these characteristics.

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