Within the Software

About the In-Application Tutorial + -

Your copy of Genogram-Maker Millennium includes a twelve-lesson tutorial providing instruction on how to use each of the main components of functionality within the software.


The tutorial includes the following lessons:

  1. Selecting a Genogram Element
  2. Three Useful Buttons
  3. Moving Elements
  4. Scrolling and Zooming
  5. Popup Hints
  6. Customizing Elements
  7. The Tool Pad
  8. The Text Panel
  9. Creating a Figure
  10. Creating a Partnership
  11. Interactions
  12. Fields


To access the tutorial:

  1. Open Genogram-Maker Millennium.
  2. Click on “Help” near the top of your screen.
  3. Click on “Tutorial” from the drop-down menu.
  4. You will see a general “Genogram-Maker Help” menu. Below the word “Tutorial” you will see a link, “Get started with Genogram-Maker”. Click on this link and you will enter the Tutorial.
  5. Simply click on the blue link to move through the lessons in the tutorial.


Adjusting size of entire genogram or figures within a genogram + -

You can vary the size of the entire genogram in two ways:

  1. You can make the genogram larger or smaller by clicking he Zoom buttons. The Zoom buttons are located in the margin above the workspace and appear as magnifying glass icons. This is covered in Lesson 4 of the Tutorial within the software.
  2. You can make the genogram larger or smaller using the View menu. Click on the word “View” at the top left of the screen above the icons. Select either “Zoom In”, “Normal Size” or “Zoom Out” to achieve the size adjustment desired.


You can vary the size of one or more figures within the genogram using the Pen Menu.

  1. Select the figure(s) you would like to increase or decrease in size.
  2. Click on the word “Pen” at the top left of the screen above the icons. Place your cursor over the phrase “Figure Size” in the drop-down menu. Another drop down menu will appear when the cursor is placed over this phrase.
  3. From this drop-down menu select “Tiny”, “Small”, “Standard” or “Large” depending on the figure size desired.
Exporting to Word, other documents, or as a PDF + -

Your Genogram-Maker Millennium genogram is easily exported to documents or converted to a PDF document.


To place a genogram image in a document:

  1. Click on the camera icon above the work space.
  2. Go to the document in which you would like the genogram image to appear and do a “Paste” to the document at the location where you want the genogram to appear.


To save a genogram as a PDF file:

  1. If your computer has a PDF creation software, simply save to the PDF.
    1. You may need to select Print and choose your PDF creator software from your printer selection menu.
    2. For further instruction, consult the documentation that accompanies your PDF creation software
  1. If your computer does not have PDF creation software, to create a PDF you will need to add PDF software:
    1. For a Windows computer you can purchase Adobe Acrobat at adobe.com or,
    2. Pdf995 is a less expense option which can be downloaded at pdf995.com.
Adding a key or legend + -

You may want to begin by creating a main label that says “Key” or “Legend”.

    1. Click on the label “A” button located in the main tool pad in the left margin of the screen.
    2. Position your cursor in the white space and type.
    3. Move the label to the desired location by depressing and holding down the left click button on your mouse and moving your cursor. When the label is positioned in the desired location release the left click button. This is a typical drag and drop action used with many software products.


You will want to create a tag, such as the one representing alcohol use, but without a visible connected figure. To do this you must create a figure to which the tag is attached and then make the figure invisible.

      1. Create a figure and place it adjacent to where you would like the tag to appear in the legend.
      2. To create the tag, be sure the figure is highlighted then click on the desired tag in the property pad.
      3. To make the figure invisible, be sure the figure is highlighted on your white space and click the same figure in the property pad. The figure will remain outlined in gray but when you click away from the figure it will disappear.
      4. You fine tune the location by dragging and dropping the figure as described in the instructions for moving the label in 1.c. above.
      5. You can create and position labels describing each tag using the same procedure used to create the main label. (See 1. Above)


After you have positioned your main label and each tag with its descriptive label the way you want each one in relation to each other, you may want to reposition the entire legend for better presentation on your page.

    1. Simultaneously select every element in the legend by holding down the “shift” key on your keyboard and clicking on each element. Be sure to select the invisible figures. It is not necessary to click on the tags because they are associated with the invisible figures.
    2. Then place your cursor on any one of the highlighted elements and do a drag and drop of the entire legend.


Orientation to Genogram-Maker Millennium Part 1 + -

This video provides a general orientation to Genogram-Maker Millennium addressing the workspace and commands.

Orientation to Genogram-Maker Millennium Part 2 + -

This video uses the workspace and commands introduced in Part 1 to create a simple genogram similar to the one seen in the “One Minute Genogram”.

Pregnancy, Stillbirth, Miscarriage & Abortion + -

This video addresses the creation of four pregnancy-related conditions. The video begins with a demonstration of how to use the Help topics menu as an interactive user’s manual. The guidance obtained in the Help topics are then used to create a genogram depiction of the four pregnancy-related conditions. Effective use of the pen menu is employed to change figure size and color.

Abuse, Physical, Sexual & Other Relationship Characteristics + -

This video addresses the creation of relationship characteristics including both physical and sexual abuse and other similar relationship characteristics. The video begins with a demonstration of the use of the help topics as an interactive user’s manual providing the guidance needed to create these characteristics.

Previous Relationship, Divorce, Step Children & Adoption + -

This video demonstrates the creation of several partnership relationship types including marriage, divorce, separation as well as parental relationship types including step-children and adoption. The video begins with a demonstration of the use of the Help topics as an interactive user’s manual providing the guidance needed to create these relationships.

Parallel Relationship + -

This video demonstrates the creation of several partnership relationships including marriage, divorce, living together, affair, etc. The video begins with a demonstration of the use of the Help topics as an interactive user’s manual providing the guidance needed to create these characteristics.

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